The military cemetery in Lang is the most important historical monument of the First World War in the region. During the war, the former military camp was located in the Leibnitzer Feld on the territory…
- Category: Thematic EU Projects
Iron Age Danube
- Category: Thematic EU Projects
At the end of 2016, the three-year project “The paleolandscape of Styria and its biodiversity from prehistory to the discovery of the New World / Paleokrajina Štajerske in njena biodiverziteta od prazgodovine do odkritja Novega sveta” (PalaeoDiversiStyria) began, co-funded by the Interreg Slovenia-Austria 2014-2020 program.
- Category: Thematic EU Projects
The EU project “Register of archaeological sites along the Austrian-Slovenian border / Register arheoloških najdišč ob avstrijsko-slovenski mejni črti” (BorderArch-Steiermark) was a follow-up project to the EU project InterArch-Steiermark, funded by the program European Territorial Cooperation Slovenia-Austria 2007-2013.
- Category: Thematic EU Projects
The EU project “Interactive archaeological heritage of Austrian and Slovenian Styria / Interaktivna arheološka dediščina avstrijske in slovenske Štajerske” (InterArch-Styria), funded by the Slovenia-Austria cross-border cooperation program 2007-2013, stands for free and open access to the common archaeological heritage of Slovenia and Austria.